
Cluster Scholarships are entirely independent. The school and outside concerts subsidise them (Cluster Recital at Pime Theatre, Mito Fringe, LiveClub Il Maglio, Associazione Il Florilegio, Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica, etc.).
The aim is to allow students who qualify for the grant, to pursue and develop their music skills and abilities at our school.

1 - Criteria

Scholarships are granted to students between 12 and 26 years old, based upon the following criteria:
  • Financial need
  • Lesson attendance, punctuality and performance in group related courses during the year
  • Student’s talent, potential and level of knowledge
  • Participation in ClusterContest2016

2 – What is the financial value of a Scholarship?

Scholarships can vary between 100 and 500 euros.

IMPORTANT: in order for the scholarship to be valid, the student must not interrupt their studies during the year, otherwise the grant will have to be entirely reimbursed to the school.

The reimbursed amount will be put towards the next year scholarships.

3 - How do I apply?

Email us with the following information:
3a: Name, place and date of birth, telephone number, email address
3b: Curriculum vitae and musical knowledge
3c: Motivation letter
3d: Youtube link to your amateur video (min. 3 minutes, max. 6 minutes)
3e: Optional, but appreciated, video about yourself (max. 2 minutes)

Your video
(see 3d) should provide an example of your technical and musical skills.

What you can and can’t use:

YES You can use
- Backing tracks
- Music tracks prepared for recitals
NO You can’t use
-pre-recorded videos, edited or presented for the Contest

To submit your scholarship application, send us just an email, providing all the requested information.

Applications which are incomplete (see 3 a-b-c-d) or with invalid video links will not be considered.

IMPORTANT: The enrolment fee will be reimbursed if already paid.

4 - Scholarship Committee

Scholarship Committee meetings are held annually. The committee consists of: Chair, 2 adult students, 2 parents, 2 teachers. The Head of the school will not be member of the committee to guarantee neutrality.

Cluster Music S.r.l
via Mosè Bianchi 96
20149 Milano
Tel. 02 87367858

Ente di formazione accreditato presso Regione Lombardia -
Servizi di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale Iscrizione n.937 del 10/05/2016 – Sezione B